How Many Pages in Quran? The Noble Quran is the word of Allah revealed to the prophet Muhammad SAW. It is a miracle to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to guide people and bring them out from ignorance to true faith

The Holy Quran began to be revealed in Makkah al-Mukarramah before to the Hijrah to Madina, and it was revealed during certain times and conditions known as the causes for its revelation.
Allah challenged all of the Arabs to create something like it, 10 chapters of it, or just one surah, but they were unable to do so despite their fluency in Arabic. This perpetual marvel is the Holy Quran.
How Many Pages In Quran?
Starting with Surat Al-Fatihah and concluding with Surat Al-Nas, the Quran has a total of 604 pages. Although there are several versions and copies of the Holy Quran, all Arab and Islamic nations mostly use the Ottoman Quran.
Other translations of the Quran have fewer or more pages, depending on the translation. The number of its verses and surahs, however, is constant and unchanging.
The Holy Quran is broken up into several sections, or “juz” in Arabic. There are thirty parts, and there are eight quarters in each part.
How Many Pages in One Juz of the Quran?
The Noble Quran has 30 juz, each of which is divided into two hizb.
The Noble Quran contains 60 Hizb, and each juz is divided into four quarters (rub’).
The Quran is divided into 240 sections, or quarters.
How Many Pages in 15 Lines Quran?
There are 15 verses on one side of a page of the Qur’an
How Many Verses in Quran?
The Noble Quran contains 6236 verses in total.
How Many Words in Quran?
The Quran contains 77,934 words. While 323670 is the total number of its letters.
How Many Pages in 1 Para of the Quran?
Every Para of the Quran is divided into fixed-length parts, each of which is roughly 20 pages long.
How Many Surahs in Quran?
The Noble Quran contains 114 revealed surahs.
Due to the location of the surah’s revelation in Makkah or Medina, the surahs are separated into Makkah and Medina surahs.
Two-thirds of the Quran was revealed during the 13-year period of revelation in Makkah.
The final third of the Quran was revealed during the ten-year Medina revelation period.
The first chapter of the Quran, Surah Al-Fatihah, is also the chapter that comes first in the order of the verses.
Surat An-Nas, which has surah number 114, is the last surah in the Quran.
With this, there are 114 chapters or surahs in the Noble Quran.
Sections of the Quran
The Noble Quran has four sections:
- Surah Al-Baqara, Al-Imran, An-Nisa, Al-Ma’idah, Al-An’am, Al-A’raf, Al-Anfal, and Al-Tawbah are the seven longest surahs in the Holy Quran.
- Al-Mu’un: These surahs have verse counts of one hundred verses or more, or close to it.
- Al-Mathani: It is the verse that, in a number of passages, comes after the percentage.
- Al-Mofassal: The Quran’s final verse, Surah Al-Mofassal, begins at the beginning of Surah Qaaf.
Surat Al-Baqara, the second surah in the sequence of the Quran, has 286 verses, making it the longest surah in the Noble Quran.
Surah Al-Kawthar, which is 108 in the Noble Quran and comprises just three verses, is the shortest surah.
Muslims hold that the Quran’s verses were painstakingly written down by specially designated scribes and that they have been preserved exactly as they were when they were revealed, without loss or change.
The Prophet Muhammad received the Holy Quran as a revelation during a 23-year period, with the first revelations taking place in the month of Ramadan in 610 AD, during the Nights of Destiny.
But how did the Quran get to us in its present-day form? Who and why did the Quran get written?
Muslims hold that the verses of the Holy Quran were painstakingly written by specially designated scribes and that it has been preserved in their original form in which it was revealed, without any loss or distortion. They believe this because the Holy Quran was the cornerstone of the Prophet’s divine mission and stated miracle.
Muhammad SAW would share verses after revelations with his friends, who would then remember or record them.
Since Muslims were proud of their strong oral tradition and possessed vivid memories, memorizing poetry was a common practice in the early days of Islam.
However, the Prophet chose scribes, known as kuttb al-way, to record the verses as they were revealed because there were so few people who could read and write.
As there was always the underlying presumption that this was to be ‘a Book’ like other scriptures, he also gave them specific instructions on where the verse was to be placed in each chapter.
The Prophet’s commitment to promoting writing led to a gradual increase in the number of literate Muslims. He used a variety of methods to do this.
- First, in exchange for their release, he recruited prisoners of war to teach Muslims how to read and write.
- Second, he asked scribes to draft letters, contracts, war records, and treaties in addition to revelation.
- Thirdly, he placed a strong emphasis on reciting written content in addition to memory.
As a result, Muslims disagree over who compiled the Quran into a single coherent whole text by the time the Prophet SAW passed away. There were many fragmented extracts and complete copies of the Quran in individual ownership.
Abu Bakr ordered the compilation of the written portions and parchments of the Quran into one book after more than 400 Quran memorizers were slaughtered in two wars, according to a hadith in Sahih Bukhari. The Hadith records that Abu Bakr said to Zaid ibn Thabit:
You should search for and gather Quranic fragments (in one Book).
Zaid Said:
So I started collecting the Quran of the date palm tree’s leafless stalks, along with bits of leather and skin, rocks, and men’s chests (who had memorized the Quran)… The Quranic writings remained with Abu Bakr until Allah brought him to Himself. Once Umar was taken to be with Allah, it was subsequently given to Hafsa bintUmar. (Hadith 53, Book 93 of Sahih Bukhari)
Despite the compilation, Muslims did not immediately hurry to acquire this codex because it is thought that copies of the Quran were widely distributed among Muslims.
There was a perceived need for clarification for the Holy Quran’s recitation during the Caliphate of Uthman, which started twenty years after the passing of Prophet Muhammad. The Caliphate had significantly expanded into Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Iran during this time.
Hudhayfah ibn Yaman was worried about how the people of Iraq and Sham recited the Quran differently, according to Sahih Al-Bukhari.
As a result, Uthman requested the Quran’s manuscripts from Hafsa so that they may be combined into a single, cohesive codex.
To create a master copy of the Quran, Muhammad assembled a committee of four persons. Zaid ibn Thabit, Abdullah ibn Zubair, Said bin Al-Aas and Abdurrahman Ibn Al Haritha are the four individuals.
There were now twelve people in the group, with Ubayy serving as a leader.
Uthman kept a copy at Medina and sent copies of the completed book to Kufa, Basra, and Damascus.
Although it is debatable whether the current arrangement was settled upon by the Prophet before his death or by his companions subsequently, most historians and academics agree that this is the Quran that we currently possess, with the 114 surahs in the same order.
In order to act as a teacher, Uthman also sent a knowledgeable qari with each mushaf.
Because of the various virtues and advantages that draw the servant closer to his Lord and bring blessings, goodness, peace, and tranquillity to the Muslim, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, told us not to stop reading the Quran.