Today we will tell you the importance and benefits of reciting Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem daily. This Dhikr is a special gift for all Muslims from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and this is very important for us to recite this Dhikr on a daily basis.

If your sins are forgiven by reciting Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem 100 times in a day, Is it good? If yes then recite this Dhikr Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem 100 times a day on a regular basis. There are many other ways to remember Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and earn rewards on a regular basis while doing obligatory prayer and Quran recitation.
We are often busy with our jobs, business, studies, or other work, So, it’s difficult for us to involve ourselves in Dhikr. There is one of the best to remember Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala to increase good deeds by reciting Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem every day.
These words are short and easy to say, yet the reward of reciting these words is tremendous.
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem is the most favorite expression by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Here is a hadith from Sahih Muslim regarding this has been mentioned below.
Abu Darr Gaffari Razi Allah Annho reported:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to me, “Shall I tell you the expression that is most loved by Allah?” It is ‘Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi’ (Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise)’.”
By giving 3-4 minutes of your precious time you can recite 100 times Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem and bring yourself closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and your sins may be forgiven.
Related: Innallaha Ma Sabireen in Arabic Text and Meaning in English
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem Meaning
The meaning of subhanallahi wa bihamdihi subhanallahil azeem along with English transliteration is as follows:
Glory is to Allah and all praise is to Him, glory is to Allah the great
Hadith About Reciting Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi 100 Times a Day & Benefits
Below we are providing some of the hadith that show us how is important and beneficial for us to recite this beautiful Dhikr.
Hadith & Benefit No. 1
It is the means to get sins forgiven, no matter what quantity.
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi,’ one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. [Sahih al-Bukhari 6405]
Reciting Subhanallah Wa Bihamdihi has a dual advantage of both erasing sins and greatly increasing rewards. We are not truly aware of how many sins, whether intentional or not, we commit daily. However, this is the finest time to just recite Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem to obtain forgiveness for those faults.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala has given us a fantastic opportunity, we must make the best use of this Dhikr by reciting frequently.
Related: Qul Auzu Bi Rabbin Nas in English (Best Translation and Benefits)
Hadith & Benefit No. 2
The Dhikr subhanallahi wa bihamdihi subhan allahil azeem is most beloved to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. These words are very easy to recite and are very heavy on the scale.
Narrated by Abu Huraira (R.A):
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “(The following are) two words (sentences or utterances) that are very easy for the tongue to say, and very heavy in the balance (of reward), and most beloved to the Gracious Almighty (And they are): Subhan Allahi wa bi-hamdihi; Subhan Allahi-l-‘Adhim.” [Sahih al-Bukhari 6682]
There is no doubt that reciting these words has innumerable benefits. For a better understanding, I strongly recommend memorizing these words along with their meanings. As a result, we can recite these words by heart (saying them with good intentions is essential). Frequent usage of these words will lead to forgiveness of sins, an increase in rewards, barakah in Rizq, and a closer relationship with Allah (SWT).
Isn’t it our desire to make our scales heavier on the day of judgment? We can do some good deeds in this life and make our hereafter life better by spending a few minutes reciting Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem every day.
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Wazifa – Marriage and Job
Our Brothers and Sisters are having difficulties finding the best marriage alliance or whose alliance is always broken due to certain reasons.
This is a very simple wazifa and also helpful for those people who are finding jobs or whose businesses are not working out.
Recite Darood e Ibrahimi 3 times after the prayer of Asr. Then recite Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem 5 times and then recite Darood e Ibrahimi again 3 times.
When you complete this wazifa then make Dua to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for all your problems and needs. All your work will be done by doing this wazifa InshaAllah.
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Wazifa For Rizq
There is a recession at the moment. Despite all the properties (Barqat) that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala gave them, now they complain about low Rizq (sustainability).
Ala Hazrat Ahmed Raza Khan one of the most prominent scholars of Islam, has solved many problems (maslas) of Ummat e-Muslimah through his vast knowledge of the Quran & Hadith.
Once some people asked Ala Hazrat to tell us a Dua a Wazifa for prosperity in Rizq, Ala Hazrat replied with a Hadith and a way to recite the Hadith.
Once upon a time, a companion came to Prophet Muhammad SAW and he said that the world has turned its back on me. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said,
You don’t know about that tasbih which is the tasbih of Malaika and through which the rizq prosperities are given, and the world will come to doorsteps.
Recite Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhan Allahil Azeem 100 times after the Fajar prayer.
The companion spends 7 days in the company of Prophet Muhammad SAW, The companion said to Prophet Muhammad SAW the world has come so diligently that it’s hard to know how to keep it.